May SPS Hospital of The Month

Congratulations to East Tennessee Children’s Hospital on being named the Solutions for Patient Safety Hospital of the Month for May!

East Tennessee Children’s Hospital Logo

The team was asked about this recognition and shared the following:

“[This recognition] demonstrates our ongoing commitment to sustaining our safety culture, focusing on foundations, and teaching others. We are unwavering in our commitment to area of focus #1: Quality & Patient Safety. East Tennessee Children’s has about 2,000 employees who are not afraid to work together to accelerate the learning process. The team says that they achieve safety when each staff member can view their patient as if they are their own child or grandchild trusting them with their care.”

Great work, East Tennessee Children’s Hospital!

Congratulations to East Tennessee Children’s Hospital on being named the SPS Hospital of the Month!

June SPS Hospital Of The Month


April SPS Hospital Of The Month