Our Goals
The leadership of SPS has defined a three-year vision with the following network priorities that will accomplish its ultimate objective of eliminating harm in children’s hospitals:
Decrease rates of the most common serious patient and employee harms
Improve safety culture
Identify and eliminate safety disparities
Create robust learning systems for ambulatory safety
Through broad stakeholder input, SPS has identified the following mid-term & three-year goals (2022-2024) to provide the Network’s 145+ children’s hospitals with clear, shared patient and employee/staff harm reduction goals:
75% of hospitals will complete milestones of the Recognizing & Eliminating Disparities in Safety goal
Every network hospital CEO/Top Pediatric Leader attends SPS-offered learning opportunities focused on Employee Safety Culture
At least 80% of network hospitals submit DART data to SPS
At least 75% of hospitals will meet a:
10% reduction in Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSI)
20% reduction in Unplanned Extubations (UE)
Hospital Selected Goal (HSG) in a spread or sustain hospital acquired condition (HAC) in the SPS portfolio
The network will achieve a:
30% reduction in network serious safety event rate (SSER)
20% reduction in patient behavioral event (PBE) DART rate
10% reduction in network days away, restricted, or transferred (DART) rate