SPS Peer-Reviewed Publications
Koo, Jane, et al. Levofloxacin prophylaxis in pediatric oncology and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a literature review. Pediatric Hematology and Oncology. Published online July 8, 2024.
Lyren, Anne. Safety Disparities: Putting Pediatrics at a Professional Crossroads. Pediatrics. Published online February 12, 2024.
Wu AG, Madhavan G, Deakins K, et al. Pediatric Ventilator-Associated Events Before and After a Multicenter Quality Improvement Initiative. JAMA Netw Open. Published online December 7, 2023.
Tripathi S, McGarvey J, Lee K, et al. Compliance with Central Line Maintenance Bundle and Infection Rates. Pediatrics. Published online August 4, 2023.
Lyren A, Haines E, Fanta M, et al. Racial and ethnic disparities in common inpatient safety outcomes in a children’s hospital cohort. BMJ Quality & Safety. Published online July 17, 2023.
Rabbani N, Pageler NM, Hoffman JM, Longhurst CA, Sharek PJ. Association between electronic health record implementations and hospital-acquired conditions in pediatric hospitals. Applied Clinical Informatics. Published online July 12, 2023.
Poppy A, Ziniel SI, Hyman D. Variability in Serious Safety Event Classification among Children’s Hospitals: A Measure for Comparison? Pediatric Quality & Safety. Published online November/December 2022.
Maitreya Coffey, MD; Miguel Marino, PhD; Anne Lyren, MD, MSc; et al. Association Between Hospital-Acquired Harm Outcomes and Membership in a National Patient Safety Collaborative. JAMA Pediatr. Published online July 25, 2022.
Randall, K. H., Slovensky, D., Weech-Maldonado, R., & Sharek, P. (2021). The relationship between high-reliability practice and hospital-acquired conditions among the solutions for Patient Safety Collaborative. Pediatric Quality & Safety, 6(5).
Foster, C. B., Ackerman, K., Hupertz, V., Mustin, L., Sanders, J., Sisson, P., & Wenthe, R. E. (2020). Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection Reduction in a Pediatric Safety Engagement Network. Pediatrics, 146(4), e20192057.
Klugman D, Melton K, Maynord PO, et al. Assessment of an Unplanned Extubation Bundle to Reduce Unplanned Extubations in Critically Ill Neonates, Infants, and Children [published online ahead of print, 2020 Apr 13]. JAMA Pediatr. 2020.
Cowden, J.D., Flores, G., Chow, T. et al. Variability in Collection and Use of Race/Ethnicity and Language Data in 93 Pediatric Hospitals. J. Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities (2020).
Peterson, K. A., Rutherford, M., Drvol, D., Barkman, D., Phipps, A. R., Hales, R., Dawson, A., Stevens, L., Teman, S., & Teets, J. (2019). Disclosure of Adverse Events: A guide for clinicians. Pediatric Quality & Safety, 4(4).
Terao, M., Hoffman, J.M., Brilli, R.J. et al. Accelerating Improvement in Children’s Healthcare Through Quality Improvement Collaboratives: a Synthesis of Recent Efforts. Curr Treat Options Peds 5, 111–130 (2019).
Randall KH, Slovensky D, Weech-Maldonado R, Patrician PA, Sharek PJ. Self-Reported Adherence to High Reliability Practices Among Participants in the Children’s Hospitals’ Solutions for Patient Safety Collaborative. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2019;45(3):164‐169.
Hoffman JM, Keeling NJ, Forrest CB, et al. Priorities for pediatric patient safety research. Pediatrics. 2019;143(2).
Lyren, A; Dawson, A; Purcell, D; Hoffman, J; Provost, L. Developing Evidence for New Patient Safety Bundles Through Multihospital Collaboration, Journal of Patient Safety: January 31, 2019.
Lyren A, Coffey M, Shepherd M, Lashutka N, Muething S; SPS Leadership Group. We will not compete on safety: how children’s hospitals have come together to hasten harm reduction. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2018;44(7):377–388.
Lyren, A., Brilli, R. J., Zieker, K., Marino, M., Muething, S., & Sharek, P. J. (2017). Children’s Hospitals’ Solutions for Patient Safety Collaborative Impact on Hospital-Acquired Harm. Pediatrics, 140(3), e20163494.
Frank, G; Walsh, K; Wooton, S; Bost, J; Dong, W; Keller, L; Miller, M; Zieker, K‡; Brilli, R. Impact of a Pressure Injury Prevention Bundle in the Solutions for Patient Safety Network, Pediatric Quality & Safety: March/April 2017
Schaffzin JK, Harte L, Marquette S, et al. Surgical Site Infection Reduction by the Solutions for Patient Safety Hospital Engagement Network. Pediatrics. 2015;136(5).
Toltzis P, O’Riordan M, Cunningham DJ, et al. A statewide collaborative to reduce pediatric surgical site infections. Pediatrics. 2014;134(4).
Lyren, A., Brilli, R., Bird, M., Lashutka, N., & Muething, S. (2013). Ohio Children’s Hospitals’ Solutions for Patient Safety: A Framework for Pediatric Patient Safety Improvement. Journal for Healthcare Quality, 38(4), 213–222.
SPS Learning Session Published Abstracts
Bradfield, Audra MHA; Pantano, Connie MBA; Bunch, Erica BS. A System-wide Approach: Implementing a Plan for Behavioral Events in Children’s Healthcare. Pediatric Quality and Safety 9(S3):p e765, September/October 2024.
Collins, Cate MD; Snider, Josephine B. MD; Klamka, Allison N. MS, RN, CPN, CCRN; Neubauer, Jennifer M. BSN, RN, CLS; McHugh, Matthew MT (ASCP), MPH, CIC‖; Weisert, Lauren M. PMP, LCSW. Optimization of the Rounds for Influence Maintenance Bundle Process. Pediatric Quality and Safety 9(S3):p e759, September/October 2024.
Edwards, Lauren M. BSN, RN; Garcia, Lindsey DNP, MBA, MS, RN, CENP, C-ONQS; Murray, Thomas S. MD, PhD; Kandil, Sarah B. MD. Adopting a Proactive Safety Approach: Creating a CLABSI Rapid Response Team. Pediatric Quality and Safety 9(S3):p e761, September/October 2024.
Edwards, Lauren M. BSN, RN; Garcia, Cathleen MSN, RN, RNC-NIC, ELBW; Garcia, Lindsey DNP, MBA, MS, RN, CENP, C-ONQS. High Ventilator Days and Low Unplanned Extubations in an NICU: It Is Possible!. Pediatric Quality and Safety 9(S3):p e762, September/October 2024.
Moses, Karrie MSN, RN, NE-BC; Lipes, Amber MS, RRT, RRT-NPS; Hundley, Douglas RRT; Cady, Ghislaine RN, BSN; Ramsey, Kim MSN, ACCNS-N, RNC-NIC, CPST; Patel, Hirenkumar MD, FAAP; Keele, Linda MD, FAAP, MAS. Undulating but Undaunted Path to Unplanned Extubation Reduction. Pediatric Quality and Safety 9(S3):p e764, September/October 2024.
Perryman, Joshua MBA; Siddiqui, Maha MHA. Decreasing Overexertion Injuries by Improving Workflow, Staffing, Culture, Best Practices, and Reporting of Environmental Services Staff. Pediatric Quality and Safety 9(S3):p e763, September/October 2024.
Richman, Ilyse BSN, RNC-NIC, C-ONQS; Puntervold, Lina MPH, BSN, RN, CIC; Kahn, Doron J. MD, FAAP. The Evolution of “Wipeout Wednesdays”: A Clinical Staff Engagement Initiative to Reduce CLABSIs in the NICU. Pediatric Quality and Safety 9(S3):p e760, September/October 2024.
Riley, Soraya MBA, CSSMBB; Vadner, Emily MSN, APRN, CNP-PC, CRNN-K. Development of a Central Line Team to Reduce CLABSI in a Level IV NICU. Pediatric Quality and Safety 9(S3):p e754, September/October 2024.
Schneider, Christian A. BHS, RRT-NPS, CPHQ; McDonnell, Jennifer A. BSN, RN, CPHON; O’Neill, Erin K. BSN, RN, CPHON. Developing an Oral Care Bundle to Reduce the Incidence of Mucosal Barrier Injuries in Hematology/Oncology Patients. Pediatric Quality and Safety 9(S3):p e758, September/October 2024.
Starr, Allison MN, RN; Hu, Shi Yuan Susan RN, MN; Coffey, Maitreya MD, FAAO, FRCPC; D’Annunzio, Daniela RN, MN; During, David B.Eng (Elcet), MSIE, MBB; Fleming-Carroll, Bonnie RN (EC), MN; Wray, Richard RN, MN. Enhancing a High-reliability Safety Culture through a Reimagined Leadership Workshop Series. Pediatric Quality and Safety 9(S3):p e766, September/October 2024.
Blackwell, Angie MSN; Anderson, Brittney K. DNP. Decreasing Ambulatory CLABSIs in Oncology Patients. Pediatric Quality and Safety 9():p e698, January/February 2024.
Eberhard, Erica APRN, FNP-C, CWOCN; Brooks, Grace BSN, RN, PHN; LeBlanc, Julie MPH, CPHQ, CIC; Lu, Natalie MSN, RN. Skin in the Game: Implementation of Weekly Active Surveillance in a Pediatric ICU. Pediatric Quality and Safety 9():p e701, January/February 2024.
Bledsaw, Kandice R. PhD, RN; Prudowsky, Zachary D. MD; DeJean, Janet MSN, RN; Staton, Sharon MS-SSEM, BSN, RN; Robins, Jenell BSDH, RDH; Steffin, David MD; Harriehausen, Claudia X. DDS, MSD; Yang, Esther DDS; Stevens, Alexandra M. MD, PhD. The Integration of an Oral Health Educator Enhances Prevention of Mucosal Barrier Injury Central Line-associated Bloodstream Infections for Pediatric BMT Patients. Pediatric Quality and Safety 9():p e683, January/February 2024.
Dapul, Heda MD; Basile, Carla MSN; Verma, Sourabh MD; Alessi, Samantha MSN; Malizia, Rebecca MPP; Haines, Elizabeth DO. Beyond the Bundle: Reducing Unplanned Extubation Rates after Implementation of SPS Factors. Pediatric Quality and Safety 9():p e694, January/February 2024.
Little, Hadassah L. BSN, RN. Diaper Duty: a CAUTI Reduction Initiative. Pediatric Quality and Safety 9():p e684, January/February 2024.
Shafland, Heidi MSN, APRN, ACCNS-P, CCRN-K; Johnson, Lia MPH, CIC; Johnson, Nicole BSN, RN; Murphy, Sarah MSN, RN, CCRN. CLABSI Reduction Strategies in a Cardiovascular ICU. Pediatric Quality and Safety 9():p e691, January/February 2024.
Chadha, Mandeep MD; Golchehreh, Alex MSRC, RCP, RRT-NPS; Konstantin, Anna RN, MSN, CNL. It Takes Two: Reduction of Unplanned Extubations in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit through Continuous Quality Improvement. Pediatric Quality and Safety 9():p e712, January/February 2024.
Chang, Elizabeth M. MSN, RN, FNP-BC, NEA-BC, NPC-BC; Brunner, Sarah MD; Bergerhofer, Lacey MSN, RN-BC. All Hands on Deck: How Multidisciplinary Implementation of CLABSI Countermeasures Cut Our Rate in Half. Pediatric Quality and Safety 9():p e692, January/February 2024.
Pasinski, Joanne DNP, MSN, RN, CCRN, CNL; Young, Johanna BSN, RN, CCRN; Leone, Nicole MD; Philips, Kaitlyn DO, MS. Reducing Central Line-associated Bloodstream Infections Using a Frontline Staff-driven Approach. Pediatric Quality and Safety 9():p e685, January/February 2024.
Forbus, John J. MSSE, CSSBB; Jaya Shankar, Giri MIS, MBA. Implementing Standard HAC Data Collection, Storage, and Display to Promote Informed Decisions. Pediatric Quality and Safety 9():p e687, January/February 2024.
Welter, Amanda; Villanueva, Jennifer. CLABSI Reduction Strategy: Utilizing Weekly Rounds with an Interdisciplinary Team. Pediatric Quality and Safety. 7:e611, September/October 2022.
Kanaley, Rebecca L.; Sosa, Tina; Brown, Kristen. Speak Up For Safety: Use of an Abbreviated Reporting Form to Increase Understanding of Near-miss and Adverse Events. Pediatric Quality and Safety. 7:e607, September/October 2022.
Stimpson, Megan D.; Johnson, Shanda M.; Wood, Lara R.; Bettinger, Brendan; Sharek, Paul J.; Fryzlewicz, Bonnie; Zerr, Danielle M. Confronting CLABSI Disparities: The Role of REaL Variables, Data Transparency, and Intentional Process Measurement in Achieving Equitable Outcomes. Pediatric Quality and Safety. 7:e606, September/October 2022.
Webster, Caitlin I.; DiFiore, Megan W.; Rooke, Caroline M.; Foster, Amy L.; Hebbar, Kiran B. Improving Crisis Response for the Behavioral Mental Health Patient Using Simulation. Pediatric Quality and Safety. 7:e605, September/October 2022.
Regalado, Lisa; Ziesemer-Girouard, Yvette; Rizzi, Jennifer; Frazier, Brittney; Hubert, Sarah L.; Shah, Manish. Improved Compliance With Postoperative Neurosurgical SSI Preventative Measures. Pediatric Quality and Safety. 7:e605, September/October 2022.
Johnson, Sherry; Billings, Tammy; Wittman, David; Hakim, Hana. Utilizing a Pediatric Early Warning Tool for Sepsis Screening in a Pediatric Oncology Hospital. Pediatric Quality and Safety. 7:e603, September/October 2022.
Walker, Carolyn; Ojo, Oluwafemi; Garcia, Matthew; Hutchison, Jennifer; Lesak, Dillon; Calvo, Laura; Friese, Jordi; Garza, Candace; Barman, Sally; Buck, Ernest; Budin, Lee. Pediatric Quality and Safety. Decreasing Medication Errors at Discharge: A Quality Improvement Project. 7:e599, September/October 2022.
Eckstein, Michelle V.; Gallie, Sarah E.; Cameron, Connie. The Central HAC Team: Advancing the Culture of Safety Through Practice Observations. Pediatric Quality and Safety. 7:e597, September/October 2022.
Hill, Melissa L.; Bennett, Camrin C.; Taylor, Deidre M.; Pugh, Caitlin W.; Dye, Mary Eva; Morris, Emily A. Reducing CLABSI by Increasing Frequency of Incubator Changes. Pediatric Quality and Safety. 7:e593, September/October 2022.
Andres, Kathleen A.; Patterson, Erica R.; Schonfeld, Deborah. Piloting an Electronic Sepsis Alerting System to Reduce Inpatient Sepsis-related Serious Safety Events. Pediatric Quality and Safety. 7:e592, September/October 2022.
Gabel, M. E., Neumeister, S. W., Meyers, J. M., & Schriefer, J. A. (2021). A Quality Improvement Bundle to Reduce Ambulatory CLABSI: The Importance of a Multidisciplinary Team. Pediatric Quality & Safety, 6(Supplement 5), e500.
Haj, M., Parker, M., Corrigan, C., Little, H., & Mack, E. (2021). Racial Disparities in Hospital-acquired Conditions among Pediatric Patients. Pediatric Quality & Safety, 6(Supplement 5), e499.
Thomas, J. D., & Flanders, S. L. (2021). Standardization of Care is Key: Reducing CLABSI in Pediatric Patients. Pediatric Quality & Safety, 6(Supplement 5), e498.
Srivorakiat, L. K., Ehrhardt, J., & Kew, B. (2021). Development of Proactive and Reactive Ambulatory Behavioral Support Structures. Pediatric Quality & Safety, 6(Supplement 5), e494.
Simmons, J., Carver, A., Goebel, M. J., Geiser, M., Cooks, A., Garcia, M., Webster, K., & Simon, K. (2021b). A Systems Approach to Spread Improvements from Safety Events. Pediatric Quality & Safety, 6(Supplement 5), e491.
Schweer, M. E., Herrmann, L., Duncan, M., Demeritt, B., & Statile, A. M. (2021). Developing a Standardized Behavior Response Team on Medical Inpatient Units to Reduce Harm. Pediatric Quality & Safety, 6(Supplement 5), e490.
Keller, A. R., Kanaley, R. L., & Starr, T. (2021). Addressing and Recognizing Pediatric Inpatient Aggression Utilizing an Interprofessional Quality Team Approach. Pediatric Quality & Safety, 6(Supplement 5), e489.
Blazier, L. A., & Stefanescu, B. M. (2021). Reduction of CLABSIs at Riley NICU: It Takes a Village and a Continuous QI Process! Pediatric Quality & Safety, 6(Supplement 5), e488.
Reinhart, R. M., Fink, A., Bhattarai, S., Saha, A., Worten, K., Cronin, J., & Shah, R. (2021). UE Engagement and Bundle Compliance: A Virtual Success Story. Pediatric Quality & Safety, 6(Supplement 5), e487.
Ecklund, M. M., & Zimmerman, K. (2021). Journey to Zero Harm for HAPI: “HAPI Hour” Team. Pediatric Quality & Safety, 6(Supplement 1), e444.
Montgomery, V. L., & Hudson, R. W. (2021). Reaching for Zero: Eliminating Mislabeled Specimens. Pediatric Quality & Safety, 6(Supplement 1), e445.
Mack, E., Adams, L., & Corrigan, C. (2021). Shared Learning from Potentially Preventable Events. Pediatric Quality & Safety, 6(Supplement 1), e446.
Chhipa, A. K., & Chan-Galapon, M. (2021). A Quality Improvement Project to Decrease Falls on In-patient Pediatric Units. Pediatric Quality & Safety, 6(Supplement 1), e447.
Fuller, J., Angert, R., Fisher, J. C., Kerns, R., Jones, K., & Haines, E. (2021). Utilizing Skin Rounds and Kamishibai Cards to Prevent DTPIs in Hospitalized Children: Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital at NYU Langone Health. Pediatric Quality & Safety, 6(Supplement 1), e448.
Kim, F., Brooks, C., Villaraza-Morales, S., Daven, J., Bradley, S., Chhipa, A. K., Brachio, S. S., & Vargas, D. (2021). Quality Improvement Effort to Decrease Unplanned Extubations in a Cardiac Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Pediatric Quality & Safety, 6(Supplement 1), e451.
Gibson, C. A., Morrison, A. K., & Gutzeit, M. F. (2020). Health Literacy-related Safety Events. Pediatric Quality and Safety, 5, e262.
Gehle, S. C., Howard, J., Criddle, A. B., Corrigan, C., & Mack, E. (2020). Germ Busters: Environmental Cleaning in the Prevention of CLABSIs in Pediatric oncology patients. Pediatric Quality and Safety, 5, e273.
Eizyk, S., Ferdon, K. R., Schaffer, P. L., Gronauer, J. M., Chitkara, R. A., McGuane, K. A., & White, C. C. (2020). A Systems Approach to Reducing the Rate of Pediatric Pressure Injury and Preventing Harm. Pediatric Quality and Safety, 5, e275.
Vincent, K., Richmond, M., Hallford, R., & Milbourne, M. (2020). Reduction of Serious Harm Events with Practice Change(s) and Implementation of Clinical Education Software. Pediatric Quality and Safety, 5, e276.
Davis, A. M., Kader, K. L., Pandya, M. A., Maixner, M. A., Davis, J. K., Hernandez, J. R., Krawacki, A. C., Barnett, A. H., James, J., & Smith, K. G. (2020). Improving Care of Pediatric Behavioral Health Patients and Employee Safety through Quality Collaborative Participation. Pediatric Quality and Safety, 5, e286.
Craig, S. L., Lang, M. D. M., & Schlottman, K. J. (2020). Environmental Services Quality Improvement Drives Healthcare-acquired Infection Reduction. Pediatric Quality and Safety, 5, e280.
Pollet, S., Bekmezian, A., Wilson-Ganz, J., Lucas, S. S., Ghomeshi, K. K., Spolini, K., & Nash, K. (2019). Innovative Use of In-room Technology to Expedite Treatment of Seizures in Hospitalized Pediatric Patients. Pediatric Quality and Safety, 4, e143.
Hochberg, E. M., Merkeley, K. A., Fahey, L., & Shah, R. K. (2019). Identification of Leadership Tactics to Improve Safety Culture. Pediatric Quality and Safety, 4, e133.
Kim, M. L., Donovan, S., Magri, E., Christie, D., Schulman, H., Akaydin, L., & Quintos-Alagheband, M. L. (2019). “Keep Me Safe.” Pediatric Quality and Safety, 4, e134.
Dean, A. (2019). Reducing Mechanical Restraints on Inpatient Adolescent Psychiatric Units. Pediatric Quality and Safety, 4, e139.
Stelter, A. J., & Graham, A. (2019). Peer-to-Peer Rounding to Reduce the Number of Peripheral Intravenous Infiltrations and Extravasations. Pediatric Quality and Safety, 4, e142.
Schiessler, M. M., Darwin, L. M., Phipps, A. R., Hegemann, L. R., Heybrock, B. S., Shriver, K., & Macfadyen, A. J. (2019). Do Not Have Doubt, Get the Catheter Out. Pediatric Quality and Safety, 4, e148.
Srinivasan, L., Morris, K., Shanahan, A., Bezpalko, O., Frye, A., Powell, S., & Sammons, J. S. (2019). Leveraging High Reliability to Identify Special Cause Factors and Reduce Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections. Pediatric Quality and Safety, 4, e150.
McClusky, J. L., & Steenland, C. J. (2019). A Multidisciplinary Team Approach to Reducing Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections in Pediatric Intensive Care. Pediatric Quality and Safety, 4, e151.
Corrigan, C., & Mack, E. H. (2019). Evolution to an Electronic Incentivized Kamishibai card System. Pediatric Quality and Safety, 4, e157.