For Patients & Families

An informed family can help reduce the risk of preventable harm — such as infections and medication errors — when at the hospital. You are a critical part of the caregiving team. We want you to take the following actions when visiting our hospitals to help keep your child safe.

Be an advocate for your child. 

  • Always ask questions. Raise concerns. Speak up. 

  • Wash your hands and your child’s hands, and make sure your caretakers wash their hands too. 

  • Keep the skin around the dressing of an intravenous catheter or a wound clean and dry. Tell your caregiver if it’s not. 

  • Know your child’s medications, and make sure your caretakers double check that the medication is for your child. 

  • Be prepared when going home by knowing your child’s medications, treatments, and follow-up visits. Call back to ask questions.


Check out our list of tips about how patient families can be part of the safety team when visiting a hospital: 

Learn more about the role of patients and families in patient safety by visiting the Institute for Healthcare Improvement online resource center