Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections

Decreasing rates of the most common serious patient harms is a strategic priority for SPS.

Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSI) are the largest contributor to harm caused across the SPS Network. In 2011, approximately 97 children were harmed each month as a result of CLABSI across the Phase I SPS hospitals (n=33), and, in 2013, Phase II hospitals (n=55) joined the Network so the number of children harmed per month increased to 159.

SPS developed a team of subject matter experts and improvement scientists to release the first recommended bundle to prevent CLABSI in children to the Network. This bundle summarizes evidence based practices and high reliability concepts to reduce harm caused by CLABSI.

From the 2015 updated NHSN CLABSI operational definition to Spring 2022, the Network strategy has been successful with a 19.2% reduction in CLABSI. As of today, CLABSI is still a priority with continued efforts throughout the Network to reduce harm.

For Network participants

Operational Definition & Bundle

Over the past two years, SPS has developed standard definitions for pediatric HACs based on those used for adult HACs by using a participatory approach led by pediatric safety experts. SPS Network hospitals rapidly adopted these standard definitions and have come together to develop evidence-based bundles in care delivery for each pediatric HAC. The SPS Network is working with hospitals to spread and implement these bundles in care delivery in order to accelerate the pace of harm reduction.

  • Watch the video here.

  • Watch the video here.

  • Watch the video here.

  • Watch the video here.


CLABSI Hematology/Oncology

Central Line-associated Blood Stream Infections in Hematology/Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplant patients are the highest on the pareto chart of harm. Although the Network has made dramatic improvements in CLABSI since the inception of the CLABSI insertion and maintenance bundle, there are still more opportunities to test factors for harm reduction in specific populations.

The Network is currently conducting a CLABSI Hematology/Oncology Cohort with 52 Network hospitals to test factors for reduction. As those factors are tested and data gathered, SPS will share any findings with Network participants.

Please contact us if your hospital is interested in the CLABSI Hematology/Oncology Cohort.