Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections

Decreasing rates of the most common serious patient harms is a strategic priority for SPS.

Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSI) are one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in hospitalized pediatric patients and remain a top priority for improvement across the Children’s Hospitals’ Solutions for Patient Safety Network.

Using data obtained from SPS network hospitals, as well as external evidence in medical literature, SPS has identified prevention bundle elements that, when reliably implemented, are highly likely to result in decreased harm to hospitalized children.

The SPS CLABSI Prevention Bundle is intended to provide clinicians with an evidence-based framework to standardize the prevention of CLABSI in pediatric patients. Please note that references can be accessed via the operational definition document and the bundle.

For Network participants

Operational Definition & Bundle

SPS has developed standard definitions for pediatric HACs by leveraging well-established national standards and published literature, tailoring these definitions to provide the necessary context for pediatrics. SPS Network hospitals rapidly adopted these tailored definitions and have collaborated to develop evidence-based bundles in care delivery for each pediatric HAC. The SPS Network is working with hospitals to spread and implement these bundles in care delivery to accelerate the pace of harm reduction.